M&P Group

At the heart of our service is the service promise: “added value”.
At the very least, the outcome of cooperating with us is to achieve better results. And that explains why we are one of the leading technological consulting companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Facts & figuresLocationsOur valuesMissionJoint ventures/partnershipsPressMemberships


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Facts & figures
Our values
Joint ventures/partnerships

“Our holistic problem-solving expertise throughout the entire life cycle of a building makes us THE partner to turn to in real estate.”

Olf Clausen, CEO M&P Group


Our entire thinking and actions are geared towards generating the greatest possible added value for our clients through optimum technical, digital and organisational networking. Our pioneering consulting approach combines highly qualified specialist expertise in the fields of consulting, engineering, energy and IT solutions, and turns this into unique problem-solving skills.


Facts & figures

M&P’s market environment shows a positive dynamic for all business areas for the financial year 2023 (current status 12|2023).


We implement interregional projects in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

73,5  Mio.

In 2023, gross operating revenue of € 73.5 million was achieved.


330 employees in four areas work on the success of our customers.

M&P Braun­schweig

M&P Standort Braunschweig

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Braunschweig GmbH (copy 1)

Gablonzstraße 2-4, 38114 Braunschweig

+49 531 256 02 0+49 531 256 02 249braunschweig@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Christoph Bergfeld

Christoph Bergfeld
Authorised officer

Michael Maschkowitz

Michael Maschkowitz
Authorised officer

TGA360 GmbH

Gablonzstraße 2-4, 38114 Braunschweig

+49 531 25602 0+49 531 25602 249info@tga360.com Open in Google Maps

M&P Management GmbH

Gablonzstraße 2-4, 38114 Braunschweig

+49 531 256 02 0+49 531 256 02 249management@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Andreas Fuhrmann

Andreas Fuhrmann
Authorised officer

SAVEMAXX contracting GmbH

Gablonzstraße 2-4, 38114 Braunschweig

+49 531 256 02 0+49 531 256 02 249info@savemaxx.com Open in Google Maps

Andreas Nikutowski

Andreas Nikutowski
Authorised officer

M&P Academy

Gablonzstraße 2-4, 38114 Braunschweig

+49 531 256 02 0+49 531 256 02 249academy@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

M&P Zürich

M&P Standort Zürich

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

m+p Schweiz AG

Industriestrasse 21, CH-8304 Wallisellen

+41 44 567 40 52info@mp-gruppe.chhttps://www.mp-gruppe.ch Open in Google Maps

M&P Stuttgart

M&P Standort Stuttgart

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Stuttgart GmbH

Zettachring 10, 70567 Stuttgart

+49 711 78 28 210stuttgart@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Peter Schubert

Peter Schubert

M&P München

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P München GmbH

Törringstraße 22, 81675 München

+49 89 129 989 0muenchen@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

M&P Mannheim

M&P Standort Mannheim

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Mannheim GmbH

Bürohaus Eastsite VI, Hermsheimer Straße 5, 68163 Mannheim

+49 621 72 756 40+49 621 72 756 49mannheim@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Peter Schubert

Peter Schubert

M&P Hamburg

M&P Standort Hamburg

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Hamburg GmbH

Goldbekplatz 3, 22303 Hamburg

+49 40 20 932 20 0+49 40 20 932 20 99hamburg@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Sven-Eric Korff

Sven-Eric Korff

Jörg Kegel

Jörg Kegel
Authorised officer


M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

Technisches Büro der M&P Braunschweig GmbH am Standort Paderborn

Halberstädter Str. 99, 33106 Paderborn

+49 5251 879 22 0+49 531 256 02 249paderborn@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

M&P Leipzig

M&P Standort Leipzig

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Leipzig – Niederlassung der M&P Dresden GmbH

Maximilianallee 2, 04129 Leipzig

+49 341 308484 0+49 341 308484 99leipzig@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Enrico Baude

Enrico Baude

Uwe Dorn

Uwe Dorn

M&P Berlin

M&P Standort Berlin

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Berlin – Niederlassung der M&P Braunschweig GmbH

Wilhelm-Külz-Straße 56, 14532 Stahnsdorf

+49 3329 698 26 10berlin@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

M&P Dresden

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Dresden GmbH

Bergstraße 2, 01069 Dresden

+49 351 467 136 0dresden@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Enrico Baude

Enrico Baude

M&P Düsseldorf

M&P Standort Düsseldorf

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Düsseldorf GmbH

Roßstraße 92, 40476 Düsseldorf

+49 211 635 510 0duesseldorf@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Ronald Meka

Ronald Meka


Roßstraße 92, 40476 Düsseldorf

+49 211 635 510 0+49 211 635 510 100info@mp-begis.comhttps://www.mp-begis.com Open in Google Maps

Andreas Germer

Andreas Germer

Michael Golz

Michael Golz
Authorised officer

M&P Essen

M&P Standort Essen

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Essen GmbH

Dietrich-Oppenberg-Platz 1, 45127 Essen

+49 201 8787 0+49 201 8787 100essen@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Frank Urban

Frank Urban

Martin Niewiera

Martin Niewiera

M&P Magdeburg

M&P Standort Magdeburg

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

M&P Magdeburg GmbH

Kantstraße 5, 39104 Magdeburg

+49 391 56804 0+49 391 56804-10magdeburg@mp-gruppe.de Open in Google Maps

Andreas Götze

Andreas Götze

Martin Ratajczak

Martin Ratajczak
Authorised officer


M&P Standort Basel

M&P Gruppe

Olf Clausen

Olf Clausen
Company spokesman

Technisches Büro der m+p Schweiz AG Zürich am Standort Basel

Kornhausgasse 7, CH-4051 Basel

+41 61 564 31 11info@mp-gruppe.chhttps://www.mp-gruppe.ch Open in Google Maps

With 14 locations, we are represented throughout the entire German-speaking region - always in close proximity to our clients and their projects. Our innovative engineering solutions for energy and building technology, our pioneering ideas for the digitalisation of buildings and their operation and our sustainable energy concepts are just as seamless as our presence.

Trust is just the beginning


Not everything that constitutes a brand, finds expression in the brand name itself.

A company’s whole personality cannot be captured by a single sign or word. Our self-perception is based on the values that have shaped M&P for many years and will continue to define us in the future. Honesty, loyalty, openness, commitment and, above all, trust. Trust is the beginning of everything. On the basis of trust, the future can be built and challenges overcome. This trust involves giving and taking: trust the other person in order to gain the person’s trust. This is the prime condition. This is exactly what we live: because we demand the same from ourselves that we expect from others.

Creating added value

In our work, we are guided by the realisation that an optimum technical, digital and organisational basis constitutes the greatest added value for the client business.

Personen sitzen gemeinsam am Tisch und eine lächelnde Frau ist im Fokus

Added value, which we generate for our clients through a groundbreaking consulting approach. We combine highly qualified expertise in the fields of engineering, consulting, energy and IT solutions with unique project-specific problem-solving skills. This ensures the greatest benefit for the client.

In flexible, interlinked structures, we develop innovations and optimal technical solutions to support production and the core business. Our solution-oriented pledge comprises both specialist expertise, the client’s strategic requirements and the associated interdisciplinary project work in our corporate group’s network of competence.  

Joint ventures and partnerships


Partnerships and joint ventures:
cooperation with committed and future-oriented companies gives us valuable fresh impetus to push the energy transition forward.


METRION e-shelter security


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