Real estate industry undergoing transformation
With digital planning expertise and a future-oriented mindset.
M&P is planning the secure buildings of tomorrow.
Hyperconnectivity of building technology plays a crucial role in building digitisation. The networking of information creates added value that drives development and progress in the digital field. M&P ensures that this added value is entirely secure for all our customers, their customers and the business processes.
Building automation is usually ‘only’ an auxiliary process to support the actual business process. But what happens if that auxiliary process is suddenly hacked, sabotaged or manipulated? This can lead to failed cooling units, lack of access to systems, unsuitable room conditions and potentially even dangerous system conditions. Such dangers must be taken into account as early as the planning stage.
The number of cyberattacks on companies, organisations and their operating technologies has increased noticeably in the past year. Inadequately protected systems risk major financial or reputational damage to those affected. The European Union wants to prevent this and has set a high bar for the member states with the requirements of the NIS 2 Directive. In Germany, too, the effects can be felt with the implementation of the directive in the form of the NIS2UmsuCG, which will oblige a large number of companies to deal with cybersecurity in their buildings and other real estate in future.
Aspects of risk management, i.e. the identification and elimination of potential risks by means of suitable protective measures in all IP-based systems, will then become mandatory for operators. In addition, there are other organisation-related factors to consider, such as registration, reporting obligations or proof of the implementation of measures. A veritable jungle of standards, technical directives, guidelines and best practices that can be used in the implementation of this obligation is growing around it. As in any jungle, the right path to follow can be obscured and difficult to make out. In this context, having a partner who doesn’t lose their way is all the more important: and that is M&P.
Based on the environmental parameters of the organisation, taking into account critical business processes and the necessary auxiliary processes, our experts select the right planning path together with the customer and guide them towards a building that is secure in every regard.
The required network and security concepts as well as the actual planning, tendering and site monitoring are considered from the operational point of view, as is typical for M&P. The reason for this is that a highly secure network can become insecure immediately after approval if it is not operated correctly.
The core component of our cybersecurity solutions is risk management to accompany the planning, which identifies and evaluates the risks that could potentially affect a system and selects technical protective measures to suit the organisation and its processes. By means of tailored commissioning management, our experts transfer this from planning to construction and right through to operation.
To turn theory into a practical, state-of-the-art reality, we carry out market analyses during planning. This allows us to react promptly to the latest trends and cyber threats – further supported by a project-specific, scenario-based test environment with a focus on network and OT security considerations. In this way, we are further improving the already high quality of planning provided by M&P, in line with our ‘making planning practically tangible’ approach.
In the space between new regulations and omnipresent cyber threats, we believe we are well equipped to face the challenges that lie ahead together with our customers and partners, and to act as their confident, secure guide on the path to future-proof, hyper-connected building automation systems.
With digital planning expertise and a future-oriented mindset.
How consulting engineering firms (must) drive the implementation of the (EU) climate targets.
With 360° cameras, M&P brings safety and efficiency to construction sites.