Ein modernes Büro,- und Wohngebäude

Better from experience


An energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001: one of the core areas of M&P.

Eight years after certification, our energy experts are now also handling the transition to the updated ISO 50001:2018 energy management standard with aplomb – internally and with great added value for customers.

Phew! We have successfully come through the external audit once again. This year, too, the auditor demanded a lot from us. Year after year, we can strengthen any weak points – and uncover new ones in the process. One reason for that is the transition from ISO 50001:2011 to the updated ISO 50001:2018 energy management standard. It obliges certified companies to further increase energy efficiency.

But what do our annual preparations look like and where are the tricky details hidden? Take a look behind the scenes to find out.

Duty calls

The identification and implementation of energy-efficiency measures are arguably the most important elements of the management system and, at the same time, the core area of the M&P Energy and Sustainability department’s activity. All the low-hanging fruit has been picked over the course of eight years of efficiency assessment. Now the focus is on measures that require laborious planning.

They are tracked in what we call action plans and implemented in internal projects. The projects range from corporate guidelines such as the preference for rail as a means of transport and high efficiency targets for car-sharing partners to control technology target value optimisations and complex renovations of buildings or energy plants for generation and use.

Innovative project ideas, such as the use of energy networks with heat pumps or the continuous expansion of electric vehicle fleets, can also be found in our action plans and those of our customers.

For example, we are currently turning larger-scale electromobility into reality with 2 GW battery power, 300 kWp PV systems and the possibility of connecting 267 wallboxes in the Steimker Gärten in Wolfsburg together with Volkswagen Immobilien GmbH.

Pioneering energy controlling

Back to M&P: in addition to the implementation of measures, energy controlling fulfils a crucial task in our management system. It ensures that consumption (electricity, gas, heat) is recorded monthly and is included in an energy report at the end of the year. The report also states whether the targets set have been achieved and whether energy optimisation measures are delivering the promised success.

The latter has taken on an extremely important role since the mandatory transition to the new standard, which was implemented internally at M&P at the earliest possible date. With the help of energy performance indicators, we have to provide proof of the actual increase in efficiency provided by a given measure. Even before a measure is implemented, a key figure based on corresponding data is available, with the possibility to exclude influencing factors. Only in this way can a transparent before-and-after comparison take place and an effective increase in efficiency be made visible.

As a master to-do plan alongside the action plans, a CIP plan (CIP = continuous improvement process) is maintained, which collects all open points from external and internal audits, as well as the management review with the management board and other Energy team meetings. The to-dos are divided among the Energy team and checked.

In the external audits, the effectiveness and full integration of the management system are examined by an external certification body. To ensure that the company is well prepared for these audits, alternating parts of the company are audited internally every year.

M&P is striving to achieve climate neutrality in the long term. The ISO 50001:2018 certification represents the fact that M&P also sets high standards internally and has long been on the path to climate protection.

We run a tight ship to ensure we are always a step ahead of the auditor. After the audit, we are left with new tasks that will help us come ever closer to the long-term goal of climate neutrality.

Are you also aware of the challenges an energy management system brings and do you want to keep hold of your head start? If you need support, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We will be happy to put our 30 years of planning experience with our customers to good use helping you.


Image above: © Baumschlager Eberle Architects

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