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Careful inspection


Technical due diligence from M&P.

Regardless of whether it applies to investments or real estate: ultimately, only a team of experts can assess risk holistically. With that in mind, for many years we have been happy to pass on our interdisciplinary knowledge to customers in order to determine the value of a building, uncover risks and define measures to eliminate them. With all due care. Our service: technical due diligence.

An expanded range of services brings interesting orders

As of this year, we have expanded our services in the field of risk assessment. Through in-depth structural and technical inspections of real estate, we have been able to generate new orders with a greater range of services:

For example, we prepared extensive technical due diligence for a former production building of a chemical company in North Rhine-Westphalia that is over 100 years old. In addition to the classic structural and technical inspection, we also assessed the approval status and fire protection and developed measures to restore it to the target condition, including cost estimates. In particular, the repeated changes of use, altered lease conditions and the direct connection to a chemical park presented the evaluation team of architects, fire protection experts and engineers with major challenges, all of which were handled to the customer’s satisfaction.

In cooperation with our colleagues from project management and control, we have also increasingly carried out technical due diligence for project developments in recent months and, after the successful purchase of project developments, have taken over technical controlling in the subsequent construction phase and commissioning.

Triple-net lease

The most exciting risk assessment in 2017 is certainly the transition of a high-rise building as part of a triple-net lease. In this context, special attention should be paid to the topics of pollutants/contaminated sites (asbestos, AMF, PCBs), fire protection and documentation.

M&P developed a three-stage concept for this purpose. The aim is economical use of the available resources and the identification and prioritisation of all essential requirements.

Stage 1 includes the preparatory measures, which include, among other things, the implementation of document and plan reviews, checking for completeness and a comparison of the target and the status quo. In addition, a plant register is created as a basis for further examination.

This is followed by an engineering assessment (Stage 2) with an examination of the essential technical and structural equipment, as well as an examination of anomalies in the areas of fire protection and contaminated sites/pollutants, as well as preparation of any anomalies found for evaluation by (publicly appointed) experts.

Stage 3 comprises completion of the examination with the expert assessments, including the involvement of independent laboratories.

Using the risk-driven project examples mentioned above, we were able to refine our inclusion standard for technical due diligence to maintain a stronger operational focus and thus ensure continued use of the collected data during operation. To this end, we have adapted the inclusion lists for mobile devices and set up automated migration routines. As a result, we were able to migrate a large part of the technical due diligence data collected in the property of a DAX-listed company to the leading system (in this case: SAP) for the management and operation of the property.

The use of the collected data in operation is a real USP of M&P! We are now able to involve our IT colleagues from BEGIS and/or IT Solutions in technical due diligence with a stronger focus on building operations (evaluation of CAPEX and OPEX) and to think two steps ahead in the processes.

Ensuring the further use (in operation) of the collected data



Graphic: TDD process

Image: Integrated procedure from the TDD to the mapping of the data in the ERP.


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