Andreas Germer

Proactive rather than reactive


The role of the FM service provider in digitisation.

Property owners and users regularly invest a lot of time and money in digitising their FM processes. Sooner or later, questions arise regarding what should be handled in-house and what can be outsourced. What tasks do I take on myself? What services do I delegate to one or more FM service providers? M&P BEGIS provides the right answer: with concepts and solutions that lead facility management into the future in a smart way.

Personal initiative as an industry benchmark

Fundamentally, it is surprising that more digital initiatives do not come from FM service providers. A win-win situation is possible, whereby service providers offer a uniform customer platform that enables the customer to easily handle contractual relationships and commissioning of maintenance, inspections and repairs, as well as documentation to prove operator safety. Instead, any customer who wants to implement service control efficiently and digitally needs to develop their own concepts and IT solutions. And service providers only react, rather than keeping hold of the reins and taking action themselves. A proactive model could be so simple. We have outlined the important components below.

Standardisation as an FM model

The processes of service management (client view) and operational service provision (service provider view) in facility management are similar across customers and industries. A standardised digital platform for service provider management in terms of master data, business processes, reporting and key figures would provide all customers with genuine added value. There would be no need for them to manage their own software projects and software selection processes for professional service management. Instead, they could focus on the accompanying technical measures: the establishment of a resilient master database with its own data sovereignty, the selection of suitable service providers and the definition of framework contract services and service levels.

A data model and E2E processes

In addition to a standardised data model for architectural and technical objects, a handful of well-thought-out E2E processes and a real-time reporting and dashboard system are required. A ticket process and a process for the use of a maintenance calendar function to manage control services for technical systems and areas are necessary at the interface between customer and service provider. A formal assignment with reference to framework agreements, documentation of the performance of services that is secure from the operator’s point of view, and invoicing or a credit note procedure round off the service profile of the processes to be digitised.

An opportunity for service providers

“The service providers who are fastest to recognise this opportunity will secure themselves crucial competitive advantages. The SaaS (Software as a Service) approach and cloud-based platforms would also be good for the FM industry,” says Andreas Germer, CEO of M&P BEGIS, with conviction. His team already ensures tailored functionality and optimisation through SAP-based applications in all the processes of modern real estate and facility management. With their work, they continue to set the pace for advanced FM services.


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